You can monitor the status of your dispatch orders and assignments from the DISPATCH screen. You can also take multiple different assignment actions depending upon the status of the order and/or assignment. Each of these actions is accessible from the shortcut menu that appears when you hover over an order or an assignment
Dispatch Orders
Assignment Status |
Description |
Available Actions |
Scheduled |
This is the status for dispatch orders that have just been created. It will also be the status of dispatch orders with assignments that have been accepted/claimed by haulers who have not yet punched in/begun. |
- Edit
- Cancel
- On Hold
- Copy
- History
In Progress |
At least one hauler has punched in to one assignment for this dispatch order. |
- Edit
- Complete
- On Hold
- Copy
- History
- Roll Forward
- View All Loads
- Message All
Completed |
All assignments have been completed (punched out) and/or canceled by dispatch. There are no in progress or scheduled assignments remaining. |
- View
- Re-activate
- Copy
- History
- Roll Forward
- View All Loads
- Open Page (Delivery Tracker)
- Send Message (Delivery Tracker)
- Send Daily Summary
Canceled |
All assignments have been canceled by dispatch and/or scheduled haulers. |
- View
- Re-activate
- Copy
- History
On Hold |
Dispatch orders that have been created but not yet dispatched to haulers. These orders often act as a placeholder awaiting more information to finalize the order, weather to clear, or other reasons. Orders that were In Progress can also be placed On Hold. |
- Edit
- Complete
- Resume
- Copy
- History
- Roll Forward
- View All Loads
- Message All
- Open Page (Delivery Tracker)
- Send Message (Delivery Tracker)
Dispatch Assignments
Assignment Status |
Description |
Available Actions |
Searching |
Assignments that have been posted to the Trux Marketplace and are available for verified haulers to claim. |
Searching Expired |
Assignments that were posted to the Trux Marketplace but were not claimed by a verified hauler before expiring. |
Requested |
Assignments that have been dispatched to a specific hauler but not yet accepted. The dispatched hauler(s) will be notified that they have been specifically requested for your assignments, and they will be able to Accept or Reject the request. |
Rejected |
Assignments that have been rejected by requested haulers. |
Scheduled |
Assignments that you have dispatched to haulers and have not yet begun. Also, assignments that have been claimed (from the TRUX Marketplace) or accepted by a 3rd party hauler. |
Punched In |
The assigned hauler is punched in on the assignment, and the load status is unknown (e.g., there is no scale system integration). |
Punched In Loaded |
A punched in hauler is on the way to the job site/end location with material. |
- Edit
- Complete
- Cycle Report
- Message
Punched In Empty |
A punched in hauler is on the way to the plant/start location to pick up material. |
- Edit
- Complete
- Cycle Report
- Punch Out
- Message
Punched Out |
Assignments that have been completed - the assigned hauler has punched out. |
Dispatcher Canceled |
Assignments that you canceled before the start time. |
Hauler Canceled |
Assignments that a hauler canceled after having previously accepted/claimed. |
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