What is it?
Trux has created a new tab - Plant Loads - on the DISPATCH screen that enables dispatchers and plant operators to view and manage the flow of trucks at the plant/origination in real time.
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Overview and Layout
For every dispatch order, Trux creates a list of all loads required to complete the order, regardless of assignment status. With this information, dispatchers and operators can:
- View all trucks arriving at and departing from the plant/origin
- View all trucks arriving at and departing from the job site/destination
- Understand when trucks will be arriving at the plant/origin and for how long they have been there once they arrive
- Understand when trucks will be arriving at the job site/destination and for how long they have been there once they arrive
- Easily identify Unscheduled loads
- View the Planned and Adjusted Load Time for all loads associated with each order throughout the day
- View delivery velocity and progress in real time (tons planned, shipped, and completed by hour and for the selected day)
Following is a general layout of the new Plant Loads tab.
- Click Plant Loads to access the Load Planning and Management functionality
- Plant/origin and date filters
- Collapse and expand the KPI widget
- Load List - all loads, regardless of assignment status, for the selected origin location and day
- Hauler List - all Assigned haulers for the selected origin location and day
- Collapse and expand the Load List. The list can be expanded and collapsed in 2-steps/clicks
- 1-click - enlarges the Load List and shrinks the Hauler List
- 2-clicks - maximizes the Load List and minimizes the Hauler List
The Plant Loads screen will automatically refresh every minute on the minute. You can also manually refresh by clicking the REFRESH button in the top right corner of the screen.
Using the Load List
Every load for the selected origin location and day is displayed in the Load List on the left side of the screen.
- Click the Sort By drop-down to sort the Load List by Planned or Adjusted Load Time.
- Click the SHOW SHIPPED LOADS button to filter the list to only those loads that have been delivered to the destination. NOTE: Planned Load Time changes to Shipped Load Time when this button is clicked. Click the HIGHLIGHT UNSCHEDULED button to highlight those loads that still need to be assigned to a hauler.
- The following columns are shown in the Load List:
- Planned Load Time is powered by the dispatch order's configuration/plan and uses cycle time to calculate each individual load's planned load time. Click on the Planned Load Time timestamp to view the entire planned load schedule for an order
- Adjusted Load Time is the time when the load is expected to be filled. It’s based on either the scheduled assignment start time (future start time), the current location and travel time for the hauler (present time), or the travel time and turnaround time (cycle time) for the hauler who has subsequent, future loads.
- Trux DO# - the dispatch order associated with the load. Click the DO# to view the order
- Customer Name - the customer who placed the order
- Job Type/Qty Remaining - indicates whether the load is a Customer Pickup or Delivery. Hover over the quantity to see how many tons are Scheduled, Remaining, and in Overage (if applicable). Click the quantity to view all delivered loads and tickets.
- Hauler - The hauler name is displayed along with a label indicating their relative location with the following possible values:
- ORIGIN XX MINS - The hauler is at the plant/origin. Hover over the label to reveal the name of the origin location.
- ETA XX MINS - The hauler’s estimated time of arrival at the plant/origin.
- Trux ID - The Trux ID of the truck assigned to the load
- Truck Type/Attributes - the truck types allowed for this dispatch order
- Product/Mix - the product/mix being delivered
- Planned Load Time is powered by the dispatch order's configuration/plan and uses cycle time to calculate each individual load's planned load time. Click on the Planned Load Time timestamp to view the entire planned load schedule for an order
Using the Hauler List
Every assigned hauler for the selected origin location and day is displayed in the Hauler List on the right side of the screen.
- Click the Sort By drop-down to sort the Hauler List by Hauler first name (A-Z or Z-A) or Hauler distance (closest first or farthest first). Search for drivers by name, Trux ID, etc.
- Click to reset the Hauler List after entering search criteria.
- A list of all Assigned haulers and their location relative to the origin and destination sites are listed. The hauler name is displayed along with a label indicating their relative location with the following possible values:
- ORIGIN XX MINS - The hauler is at the plant/origin. Hover over the label to reveal the name of the origin location.
- ETA XX MINS - The hauler’s estimated time of arrival at the plant/origin.
- DESTINATION - The hauler is at the job site/destination. Hover over the label to reveal the name of the destination.
Understanding KPIs
Three Key Performance Indicator widgets appear at the top of the Plant Loads screen.
Tons Per Hour
The Tons Per Hour KPI allows plant operators to monitor overall plant production vs. planned tons for the selected origin location and day. Hover over an hourly column to view:
- Planned/Scheduled tons for all dispatch orders in that hour
- Shipped/Actual tons ticketed in that hour
- Percent Shipped
The bar colors will display according to the following progress:
- Blue > 100%
- Yellow 90 - 99%
- Red < 75%
A trend line of the planned volume across the all hours also appears.
Plant Materials
(Up to) the top six materials for the selected origin/plant and day appear in the Plant Materials KPI widget. The bars represent 100% of the total material for the single product across all the dispatch orders that need that product. The bars will increase as each load carrying the material is scaled out and received by Trux. Hover over a bar to show:
- The material ID and name
- Shipped/Actual tons ticketed
- Planned/Scheduled tons
- Percent Shipped
Top Dispatch Orders
(Up to) the top six dispatch order materials for the selected origin/plant and day appear in the Top Dispatch Orders KPI widget. The bars represent 100% of the total material for that dispatch order. The bars will increase as each load is scaled out and received by Trux. Hover over a bar to show:
- Sipped/Actual tons
- Planned/Scheduled tons
- Percent Shipped
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