Auto Load Complete (Delivery Confirmation) on Dynamic Location assignments is now available for select Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) dispatch orders. Geofence events will automatically trigger delivery confirmation on dispatch orders with dynamic location is enabled. This capability enhances the driver experience and safety, increases delivery location accuracy, and assists with job planning. The following sections are covered in this article:
What is a Dynamic Location Job?
Adding and Viewing Paving Equipment in Trux
Configuring and Monitoring Dynamic Location on Dispatch Orders
What a Hauler Sees
What is a Dynamic Location Job?
A Dynamic Location Job is one that makes use of a digital beacon on a piece of equipment (e.g., a paver, a shuttle buggy, or a milling machine) to create a geofence that will be moving throughout the day/job. The unloading area moves with the beacon, the Trux Drive mobile app will keep the hauler updated on its location, and haulers on these jobs will not need to manually complete loads as they normally do. Loads will be automatically completed as the hauler exits the delivery location (the mobile geofence).
Adding and Viewing Paving Equipment in Trux
In order to assign a piece of paving equipment to a dispatch order, the equipment and associated digital beacon have to be added in Trux. You can see all of the available paving equipment on the new Equipment tab on the FLEET screen.
Paving equipment will most likely already be added for you. To add new equipment, click +ADD EQUIPMENT and complete the information on the Add Equipment modal.
NOTE: You will have to know the Tracking Beacon ID in order to associate it with the right paving equipment.
Creating and Monitoring Dynamic Location on Dispatch Orders
When enabled for an entity, dispatchers can create dispatch orders with a dynamic location in just a few clicks.
- Click the Dynamic Location icon on the Create Dispatch Order modal.
- The Beacon dropdown list will display below the Delivery Location. Select the beacon/paving equipment that will be used on the job. NOTE: If you select equipment that is already scheduled to be in use on another order at the selected time, you will receive the following alert.
Click PROCEED if you are aware of the conflict but still need to assign more than one dispatch order to the same beacon. Click CANCEL and select another available beacon if that is not the case.
- Click the Dynamic Location icon on the Dispatch Orders screen to show only orders configured with a dynamic delivery location.
Hover over a Dynamic Location icon on a dispatch order to see the name of the selected equipment that is in use, the signal strength, and the last time a signal was received from the beacon.
What a Hauler Sees
Dynamic location jobs with auto load complete enabled are designated by the digital beacon icon in the Trux Drive app.
Haulers are also alerted to the fact that they will not need to manually complete loads on the Job Details screen. When haulers accept work with Dynamic Location enabled, they will receive the following alert.
When a hauler exits a beacon's mobile geofence, the load will be auto-completed - the driver does not need to click COMPLETE LOAD as they normally would.
If, however, there is an error and the load does not auto-complete, the hauler can still tap COMPLETE LOAD to manually complete as they normally would.
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