Delivery Velocity - Tons/Hour
Delivery Velocity allows your customers to monitor the pace of deliveries to their job site for the duration of the dispatch order. Delivery Velocity displays the number of tons Completed per Hour, the Scheduled tons per hour, and the Average tons per hour. You can access this widget from the new INSIGHTS tab in the Delivery Tracker.
- Tap the INSIGHTS button to access Delivery Tracker Widgets
- Scheduled delivery velocity in tons/hour
- Average delivery velocity in tons/hour
Scheduled tons/hour is established when you create a dispatch order by Tons, Loads, or Stay On and is a preliminary estimate based on the volume of product ordered, the number of vehicles assigned to the overall order, and the distance these vehicles will likely travel. The formula for calculating tons/hour is (Loads Per Hour) * (Tons Per Load). So in the example dispatch order below:
2.27 (Loads Per Hour) * 22 (Tons Per Load) = 50 (Tons Per Hour)
Loads Per Hour is based on expected cycle time and the number of Trucks Required. Multiply Loads Per Hour by Tons Per Load to determine the number of Tons Per Hour. You can read more about how Cycle Time is calculated in this article.
Using this calculator is a great opportunity to ensure you have accurate travel times and the correct amount of vehicles to perform the work as planned.
Tons Per Hour can also be manually updated by entering the desired amount in the Tons Per Hour Field. This value can be adjusted after the dispatch order has been created and after the order is in progress.
Average tons/hour is the actual volume of product delivered per hour at the delivery location. It is calculated by dividing the actual tons delivered by the total time between the 1st and last load delivery. Formula: (Tons delivered) / (Minutes between 1st and last delivered load / 60).
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