Once you've created shifts for your project, it's time to dispatch them to haulers and monitor their progress. Keep track of when your shifts have been claimed by haulers on the Trux Marketplace, track their progress when they punch in, view and download load slip images, and even reorder shifts as needed.
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You can view, manage, and dispatch all of your work on the SCHEDULE screen.
- Click SCHEDULE on the left navigation menu.
- Shift status. Possible values include:
Shift Status Definition work that has been created but not yet dispatched to an internal/employed hauler. work that has been posted to the Trux Marketplace and is available for verified haulers to claim. Haulers within 100 miles of the job Start OR End Locations are notified and able to claim the work. work that has been dispatched directly to a 3rd party hauler or to Favorites First but not yet accepted. The dispatched hauler(s) will be notified that they have been specifically requested for your shifts, and they will be able to Accept or Reject the request. work that has been assigned to an internal/employed hauler, claimed from the Trux Marketplace, or accepted by a 3rd party Favorite hauler. the scheduled/assigned hauler has punched-in to begin the work - they are "on the clock." the scheduled/assigned hauler has punched-out - they are "off the clock."
you can cancel a shift up to 2 hours before the job start time without penalty. Learn more about the Trux cancelation policy. work that was not claimed/accepted by haulers by the expiration time. The expiration time can be the work start time or a time you designate when creating the work. when the contractor believes there is an error or the shift warrants further investigation. Some of the common reasons to dispute a shift include hauler punch-in or punch-out errors, delivered material missing or the wrong amount delivered, damaged equipment, etc. Work will also automatically be disputed if the punch-in/punch-out interval is <4 hours. - Hover over a shift to reveal 3 shortcut icons. NOTE: Certain icons will appear for certain statuses.
Click to display the hauler's phone number. Copy and paste the number to your clipboard for use with an Internet dialer. Applicable to shifts with a status of Scheduled, Punched In, Punched Out, and Disputed. Essentially, any shift with an assigned hauler. Hover over the map icon to display the Start and End locations. Click the map icon to display the Start and End locations on a map as well as a hauler's current location and route for Punched In, Punched Out, and Disputed shifts. Click to reorder the selected shift. Applicable for all shift statuses.
Click a shift to display the shift details panel. - The phone and map icons will appear next to a 3-dot context/shortcut menu . Clicking this menu will provide you with additional actions depending on the selected shift's status.
Shift Status Shift Actions - Post to Marketplace - post the unassigned shift to the Trux Marketplace for a verified hauler to claim
- Edit Shift -You can edit a shift's start time, date(s), start and end locations, material type, rate type, rate, whether or not load slips are required, and/or job instructions. See how to edit a shift.
- Cancel - Click to cancel a shift.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Dispatch Shift - Click to dispatch the shift directly to an internal/employed hauler or a 3rd-party Favorite.
- Edit Shift - You can edit a shift's start time, date(s), start and end locations, material type, rate type, rate, whether or not load slips are required, and/or job instructions. See how to edit a shift.
- Cancel - Click to cancel a shift.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Dispatch Shift - Click to dispatch the shift directly to an internal/employed hauler or a 3rd-party Favorite.
- Edit Shift -You can edit a shift's start time, date(s), start and end locations, material type, rate type, rate, whether or not load slips are required, and/or job instructions. See how to edit a shift.
- Cancel - Click to cancel a shift.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Change Driver - Click to change the scheduled driver.
- Edit Shift - You can edit a shift's start time, date(s), start and end locations, material type, rate type, rate, whether or not load slips are required, and/or job instructions. See how to edit a shift.
- Cancel - Click to cancel a shift. Learn more about the TRUX cancelation policy.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Message - Send a 1-way communication to the trucker(s) on this shift.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Shift Report - Click to view a Trucker Cycle Report.
- Punch Out - Click to punch out haulers who have ended their shift but did not punch out.
- Reassign - Click to reassign a hauler from one shift to another.
- Message - Send a 1-way communication to the trucker(s) on this shift.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Shift Report - Click to view a Trucker Cycle Report.
- Dispute - Click to dispute a shift. Learn more about how to dispute a shift.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Cancel - Click to cancel a shift. Learn more about the TRUX cancelation policy.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Reorder - Click to reorder a shift. See how to reorder a shift.
- Shift Report - Click to view a Trucker Cycle Report.
Click the Details tab on the shift details window. - Primary action button - the most likely action that a dispatcher would take based on the shift status will be displayed as a button. For example, a PUNCH OUT button is displayed for a shift with the status of Punched In.
- Shift details - Displays all relevant shift details including the hauling costs (for Punched Out shifts), number of Loads completed (updates as loads are completed), number of Tons delivered (updates as loads are completed), number of Hours (updates upon punch out), the punch-in and punch-out times, the assigned hauler with profile picture (if available), hauling company, rate, state and end locations, and hauler instructions.
Click the Loads tab on the shift details window. - Click DOWNLOAD ALL to download all uploaded hauler ticket images for the selected shift.
- Click to view and download an individual uploaded hauler ticket image.
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