It's a new year, and we already have some great product updates to share with you. Here are our January highlights. If you see something you are interested in and want to hear more, send us a note at, and we'll connect with you.
Manual Sales Order Entry
All work gets created, dispatched, and managed under a parent “project” known as a Sales Order. In most cases, these projects get created automatically via integration with Point of Sale (POS) systems including Command Alkon Apex, TAC Insight Fast-Weigh, Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains, and Acumatica. Now Trux supports the ability to manually create Sales Orders directly within Trux.
Hourly Freight Rate
Trux has added support for a fourth freight rate option - Hourly - to calculate the worth of the trucking performed. Trux now supports the following freight rate units:
- Ton: The hauling performed is valued based on the # of tons moved by the hauler
- Cubic Yard: The hauling performed is valued based on the # of cubic yards moved by the hauler
- Load: The hauling performed is valued based on the # of loads moved by the hauler
- Hour: The hauling performed is valued based on the amount of time (hr/min/sec) the hauler worked
Freight Rates are set in the Sales Order Line Item and are related to the Material Unit selected - Ton or Cubic Yard.
Dispatch assignments with hourly freight rates look a little different from those with quantity-based freight rates:
- Punch In Time (Hr/Min): The time the hauler clicked the punch in button or the system automatically punched the hauler in (happens when Deliver is provided a scale ticket via scale system integration and Deliver recognizes that the hauler for which the ticket applies is scheduled to be working on that assignment and has yet to punch in)
Punch Out Time (Hr/Min): The time the hauler is punched out, thereby completing the assignment. There are 3 ways a hauler can be punched out:
- Hauler Punch Out: The driver or a user with Owner role in the driver’s entity punches the hauler out
- Dispatcher Punch Out: A user with Material Dispatcher role in the entity that created the work completes the assignment/punches the hauler out
- System Punch Out: When the hauler completes the last assigned load on the assignment or the assignment is still in progress after XX hours - Hovering over the Total will display a tooltip that describes how we calculate the Total earned for this assignment and shows the actual calculation for this completed assignment.
NOTE: Customers may choose to calculate the hourly total differently than Trux, however, we must choose a standard formula for this screen. This is why we provide a robust Hourly Assignments Export (see next section) that enables the customer to calculate the worth of hauling according to their own business practices (e.g., a customer may want the clock to start at first load pickup instead of punch in).
Expanded Completed Work Export
We’ve expanded the information you can export from Trux Deliver to aid in calculating hauler payments, customer invoices, reconciling invoices you may receive from 3rd party haulers for work they completed on your behalf, and other purposes including but not limited to financial planning and analysis, measuring operational performance, and improving estimation/quoting processes.
The following three exports are available from within Trux, each accessible from the same location:
- Load Slips export - receive an email with a .zip file including all of the images captured by haulers on a selected day.
- Load Details export - download a .csv file that includes all loads for the selected dates.
- Hourly Assignments export - download a .csv file that includes all of the Hourly Freight Rate assignments for the selected dates.
Assignment Audit History
We've added a Dispatch Assignment History modal that's accessible from the assignment context menu on the DISPATCH screen. The audit history provides a detailed view of all the activities that occurred on an assignment that can help a user reconcile what happened/what is owed after work is completed. Assignment audit history shows changes in the life cycle of the Assignment itself and includes SUMMARY, ADVANCED, and NOTES tabs.
Summary events tracked include when the assignment was created, started, and completed. The Advanced tab includes Summary events as well as events like when the assignment was dispatched, scheduled quantity, load, or truck changes and other edits to the assignment.
Digitized Hauler Delivery Details
Sometimes haulers need to communicate additional details about a delivery to enable more accurate payment calculations and reconciliation, specifically around travel time and wait time. So we’ve created a simple way for them to do this within TRUX Drive.
Now, haulers working on assignments for Trux customers with this feature enabled will be able to enter these important details when they complete a load. This information will be available for dispatchers to see on each completed load within Trux. It's also included in the load details and hourly assignments export files described above.
Digitized Ticket Data
Scale integration provides significant value to Trux customers by giving them near real-time, detailed information on delivery progress and completed delivery data to calculate hauler pay, customer invoices, and delivery efficiency. But not every location can support integration, making some of this information out of reach - until now. Trux can take your uploaded, paper load slips and turn them into data to power your operations with or without scale integrations.
Updates to the FLEET screen
We’ve made some updates to the FLEET screen to make it easier to identify your trucks. We’ve added the ability to upload pictures of your trucks (a placeholder truck icon will show where pictures are not added). You can also add attributes to each of your trucks, including body type, door type, and other information. These attributes can be added when you add your truck to Trux, or you can edit your existing trucks to add these attributes.
We’ve also added the count of trucks and drivers in each list on the FLEET screen so you can see, at a glance, how many trucks you have for dispatching and drivers you have among your Favorites, Regulars, and in your customer groups.
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