The following video summarizes all of the features that were released for Trux Deliver in 2022.
Each of these features shown in the video are listed and summarized below with a reference to the time mark in the video that covers each category. Click on a category below to jump to that section of this article. Click on an individual feature to go to the original release notes that describe how that feature works in more detail.
- Sales Orders (0:41)
- Draft Dispatch Orders (2:21)
- Dispatch Orders (4:01)
- Filters (7:38)
- Delivery Tracker
- Ticket Transcription (8:53)
Sales Orders
Hauler Load Slip Requirement Settings
Dispatchers now have the ability to manage hauler load slip image requirements at the Sales Order level. This controls the Require Load Slip Images checkbox of the underlying Dispatch Orders that are created from the Sales Order.
Hourly freight rate
Trux has added support for a fourth freight rate option - Hourly - to calculate the worth of the trucking performed. Trux now supports the following freight rate units:
- Ton: The hauling performed is valued based on the # of tons moved by the hauler
- Cubic Yard: The hauling performed is valued based on the # of cubic yards moved by the hauler
- Load: The hauling performed is valued based on the # of loads moved by the hauler
- Hour: The hauling performed is valued based on the amount of time (hr/min/sec) the hauler worked
Default Dispatch Order Start and End Times
In order to more quickly and accurately schedule Dispatch Orders, the Start and End times of newly-created Dispatch Orders now consider the Hours of Operation set in the Origin Profile (where configured).
Draft Dispatch Orders
Improved Draft order and assignment identification
We've made several changes to Draft orders and assignments to make it easier for you to distinguish them from other orders and assignments.
Ability to cancel draft orders
We've added the ability to cancel a draft dispatch order directly from the dispatch order shortcut/context menu.
Ability to change a Scheduled Dispatch Order without assignments to Draft
If a Scheduled dispatch order has no assignments, you can now change the order status to Draft.
Editable fields in a Draft Dispatch Order
All fields are editable for Dispatch Order with a Draft status, even if there are assignments. Assignments will be updated to reflect any updates made to the parent Dispatch Order.
Dispatch Orders
Assignment audit history
We've added a Dispatch Assignment History modal that's accessible from the assignment context menu on the DISPATCH screen. The audit history provides a detailed view of all the activities that occurred on an assignment that can help a user reconcile what happened/what is owed after work is completed. Assignment audit history shows changes in the life cycle of the Assignment itself and includes SUMMARY, ADVANCED, and NOTES tabs.
Summary events tracked include when the assignment was created, started, and completed. The Advanced tab includes Summary events as well as events like when the assignment was dispatched, scheduled quantity, load, or truck changes and other edits to the assignment.
Ability to change the end time of an active dispatch order
Dispatchers can now change the End Time of a dispatch order that is scheduled or already in progress. A common use case might be when a customer would like to continue receiving material beyond the original end time.
Multi-select Dispatch Orders for Bulk Actions
We've added the ability to select and take action on multiple Dispatch Orders at once. For example, a dispatcher could change the status of multiple Draft Dispatch Orders to Scheduled in one action.
Copying Multiple Dispatch Orders
When copying multiple Dispatch Orders, each order is listed below a calendar widget and matched to the original Dispatch Order status.
Resending a Dispatch Summary with updated scale data
Scale tickets can come in at multiple different times throughout the lifecycle of an order - minutes, hours, and sometimes even days after order completion. Now, when you select Send Daily Summary from the Dispatch Order shortcut menu, a new summary is generated with the updated scale ticket data since the last time the summary was generated.
Choose order status when copying a Dispatch Order
Dispatchers can now choose the status (Draft or Scheduled) when creating a new Dispatch Order by copying an existing order. All the existing data (minus the date and assignments) are copied to the new order.
Dispatch Order tags for Truck Types
We've added tags to each dispatch order so that dispatchers quickly see what truck types are needed without having to click to open the order. If only one truck type is needed, that truck type will be displayed. If more than one truck type is needed, we display "Multiple Truck Types" on the dispatch order plank, and you can hover over the tag to display a tooltip with each of the multiple truck types.
Autocomplete loads with matched an Apex scale ticket
If a load is In Progress AND Trux has matched an Apex scale ticket to that load, we now:
- Automatically complete the load and save the matched Apex scale ticket with that load when the assignment is completed
- Signify that the load was autocompleted with an status of Pending Completion
- Ensure that the load audit history displays the load was autocompleted by the System
- Leave delivery data (location, cycle time, etc..) as N/A
New Dispatch Order, Assignment, and Load status icons
We've updated the color and design of some of the icons we use to communicate Dispatch Order, Dispatch Assignment, and Load status.
Expanded completed work export
We’ve expanded the information you can export from Trux Deliver to aid in calculating hauler payments, customer invoices, reconciling invoices you may receive from 3rd party haulers for work they completed on your behalf, and other purposes including but not limited to financial planning and analysis, measuring operational performance, and improving estimation/quoting processes.
Sort Reorder Requests by Created or Requested Time
Previously, reorder requests on the Requests screen were displayed sorted from Oldest to Newest. So users would have to scroll to the end of the list in order to see the most recent entries. In order to make it easier to locate and manage these requests, we've added a Sort By drop-down allowing you to sort requests by the date/time they were created (newest first or oldest first) or requested (latest first or earliest first).
Synchronized filters
Sometimes dispatchers adjust the Dispatch Order filters but not the Driver filters, and it throws off the DISPATCH screen KPIs at the top of the view. You could manually compare the filter selections on one side to the other to try and make them match, but that's a lot of clicks. Now you can make one click to synchronize the filter settings between the two sides of the screen.
Filter Dispatch Orders by Freight Rate Unit
Dispatchers can now filter dispatch orders based on how the haulers are being paid (their freight rate unit). A new filter drop-down option has been added to the Dispatch Order filters modal called "Freight Rate Unit” with the following options:
- Cubic Yard
- Hour
- Load
- Ton
Save Dispatch Order Filters
Dispatchers can now create, save (with a name), and select dispatch order filters. These filters are user-specific and are available to select on the dispatch order filters window at every log in (e.g., they persist so that when you log out and log back in they remain available to the user).
Load slip download filters
Previously, if you were to filter dispatch orders and then download the load slips, you would receive ALL load slips for ALL dispatch orders for the selected date (e.g., the system didn't take into account the filters you had set). Trux now gives you the option to download load slips for the dispatch orders that meet your filter criteria.
Delivery Tracker
We redesigned and added a lot of new new features to this incredibly valuable and unique customer engagement and communication too. See all of the changes here.
Ticket Transcription
Control Hauler Load Slip Requirements at the Sales Order Level
Dispatchers now have the ability to manage hauler load slip image requirements at the Sales Order level.
Control sending hauler load slips to transcription
For Dispatch Orders starting from Origin Locations without integrated scale systems, dispatchers can now control whether ticket images uploaded by haulers are sent for transcription.
Digitized Hauler Delivery Details
Sometimes haulers need to communicate additional details about a delivery to enable more accurate payment calculations and reconciliation, specifically around travel time and wait time. So we’ve created a simple way for them to do this within TRUX Drive.
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