The following features are covered in this article. Click on a link below to jump to a section.
- Export Filtered Dispatch Order Data
- Add loads after an assignment has ended
- Internal Sales Orders Notes
- Transcribed Ticket Dispute Reasons
- Dispatcher- and Hauler-Canceled Filter
Export Filtered Dispatch Order Data
Previously, when you downloaded ticket data, the downloaded csv file included ALL data from all completed loads for the selected date(s), regardless of any filters you had used to display only certain dispatch orders/assignments. Now, you have the option to download only the ticket data that meets your selected filters.
Add loads after an assignment has ended
It’s not uncommon for haulers to accidentally end their assignment before submitting all of their load slips (e.g., they punch out by accident). When this happens, load counts are inaccurate, which can impact invoices and even impact hauler payments. So we’ve added the ability for dispatchers to add loads to assignments. Where this functionality is enabled, dispatchers will see an ADD LOAD button when viewing completed loads on an assignment.
Fill out the information about the load, upload a load slip image, and click SAVE to manually add the load to the assignment. When the load gets added, the new Total Quantity number of Loads will reflect the updated number.
Internal Sales Orders Notes
Dispatchers now have the ability to add notes to Sales Orders. These notes are viewable by all dispatchers within an LSC/Division.
Clicking Add Note from the Sales Order shortcut menu will display the Sales Order History window where you can enter a note and click ADD NOTE.
Transcribed Ticket Dispute Reasons
For Divisions and quarries where ticket transcription is provided, dispatchers can now see why a ticket was disputed so that they can reach out to the driver and tell them what is missing in the ticket in order to fix the issue(s) and resubmit.
Dispute reasons can include the ticket image was unreadable or one of any required field was incomplete. The incomplete fields will be noted in the dispute reasons that are viewable by a dispatcher.
Loads that have been disputed will appear with a disputed load alert.
Clicking the Loads count will display all loads and reveal which load(s) have been disputed.
Clicking the load alert will display the dispute reason(s) that can be communicated to the hauler for correction.
Dispatcher- and Hauler-Canceled Filter
Dispatchers need to know when assignments have been canceled. That's why we created an Assignment Status filter that allows them to filter all assignments that were canceled. But sometimes it's important to be able to distinguish between assignments that were canceled by a dispatcher and those that were canceled by a hauler.
So we've added the ability to filter, see, and distinguish between assignments that were canceled by a dispatcher, by a hauler, or both.
If Hauler Canceled is selected, then only hauler-canceled loads appear in the Dispatch Order list. If Dispatcher Canceled is selected, then only dispatcher-canceled loads appear up in the Dispatch Orders list.
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