When using the TRUX app you will see some jobs fall under the prevailing wage for compensation. These jobs will be marked .
What is prevailing wage?
Prevailing Wage laws (usually set by your state's Department of Labor) require that covered employees on public works projects be paid a special minimum hourly rate called the "Prevailing Wage." They can differ from state to state, but typically (using MA as an example), the prevailing wage must be paid on public works projects regardless of whether you are employed by the general contractor, a filed sub-bidder, or any sub-contractor. The prevailing wage laws apply to both union and non-union employers/employees.
Your state issues a specific prevailing wage rate schedule for all prevailing wage projects. For public construction projects, a copy of the wage rate schedule must be posted in a visible location at any public construction work site. This prevailing wage is in effect whenever you are within the premises of work. Any work done outside of the premises of work would be at your hourly wage setup outside of TRUX.
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