This article provides Truck Owners with an overview and introduction to TRUX Drive. You can also watch this video for an overview.
- Settings - Change your notifications, set up your payment method, and log out of Drive. You can access Settings from every screen.
- Help - Access help articles and FAQs, contact TRUX Support via phone or submit a ticket, review Terms & Conditions. You can access Settings from every screen.
- Banner Notifications - Certain notifications may appear here, for example, alerting you that it's time to punch into a job or additional screen or product training and information.
- Profile - View account profile, upload/update your profile picture
- Company - view and edit your Company details, including insurance information. Invite Drivers, and add Trucks
- Verification - View and update your CDL
- Refer Your Friends - Send fellow haulers a text or an email with a link to download TRUX Drive!
- Navigation Menu - Navigate throughout Drive from this menu at the bottom of every screen.
Jobs - My Jobs
- My Jobs - Click here to view jobs you have claimed/accepted for you and your drivers
- Map - The location of your accepted/claimed jobs will appear on the map with a pin (
). Your company location (if in view) will appear on the map with a home icon (
- Date Selector - Tap on a day to view your jobs (and your drives' jobs) for that day.
- Scheduled Jobs - All of the accepted jobs for you and your drivers appear here along with the start time, location(s), and assigned driver(s). Tap on a job to view the job details.
Jobs - Available Jobs
- Available Jobs - Click here to view jobs for which you have been requested and available (Marketplace) jobs that you can claim for you and your drivers
- Map - The location of available jobs will appear on the map with a pin (
). Your company location (if in view) will appear on the map with a home icon (
- Date Selector - Tap on a day to view available jobs for that day.
- Available Jobs - All of the available jobs on the selected date for you and your drivers appear here along with the start time, location(s), and assigned driver(s). Tap on a job to view the job details.
- Map - Your current location is shown on the map (
- My Schedule - all of YOUR scheduled/accepted jobs appear here showing the start time, location(s), and rate. Tap on a job to view the details.
- My Drivers' Schedule - all of the scheduled/accepted jobs for your drivers appear here. Tap on a driver to view their full schedule.
- Weekly Earnings - Your earnings (including your drivers) appear below by week
- Earnings Details - Tap on a week to view the detailed earnings for that week by driver and by job. You can also access load slips for each shift/load (where available and uploaded), punch in and out times, and job route information.
- Chrome Announcements - Certain Chrome announcements (e.g., for new or special deals) may appear in this carousel.
- Chrome Deals - Scroll to find deals on insurance, parts, and services. Tap on a deal to view the details.
- Contact TRUX Support - Tap CALL or TICKET to contact TRUX Support with an issue or question
- FAQs - Access help and how-to articles, videos, etc.
- TRUX University Banners - toggle on or off in-app training guides on each screen. Toggling on the banners will allow you to access in-app guides and after you have already viewed them.
- T & C - Tap to review our Terms & Conditions.
- Notifications - Control for which truck types you wish to receive text notifications when jobs are created near you.
- Payments - Set up your payments (Direct Deposit or Paper Checks)
- Share - Send fellow haulers a text or an email with a link to download TRUX Drive!
- My Profile - View account profile, upload/update your profile picture
- Company Profile - View and edit your Company details, including insurance information. Invite Drivers, and add Trucks
- Help - Access help and how-to articles, videos, etc.
- Logout - logout of TRUX Drive
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