Release Date: 07/08/2021
Ticketed tons per hour added to expanded view
We've added the number of Ticketed tons per hour to the dispatch order summary view when you expand the Dispatch Order panel.
The following values are now shown:
Scheduled tons per hour - the Quantity Per Hour calculation on the DO Details form
Ticketed tons per hour - derived from summing the ticketed tons values per hour from the scale ticket data. Based on ticketed values (tons leaving the plant)
Delivered tons per hour - as calculated from the event where hauler completing their loads using Drive - already supported
Dispatch Order and Fleet Sort By drop-down moved
Previously, the Sort By drop-down feature was located within the Dispatch Order and Fleet Filters window. We've moved it outside of the filters window to more clearly separate filtering from sorting.
Updated Dispatch Order Cancelation tag definition
In a previous release, we added a Dispatch Order tag and filter for canceled assignments. This tag would appear when orders or assignments were canceled by a hauler after accepting/claiming work OR when canceled by a dispatcher. But the intent is to only show the cancelation tag for assignments that were canceled by a hauler and NOT those canceled by dispatchers (since you likely already know those scenarios).
This tag now only appears on assignments that were canceled by a hauler.
In addition, modified the hover text on the assignment cancelation icon to distinguish between hauler-canceled and dispatcher-canceled assignments.
Updated running loads count in Delivery Tracker
The running load count (for IN PROGRESS and DELIVERED loads) in Delivery Tracker now matches the Running Load List on the Daily Dispatch Summary (consistent with APEX). It was not in some cases.
Vulcan Managed Inventory status color updates
The status colors in the VMI widget are now consistent with the status colors in StockPile.
Temporarily disabling Order Confirmation via SMS text message
We are temporarily disabling the ability to send Order Confirmations by SMS text. This feature was sending confirmations each time the Dispatch Order is Saved which is not the intended behavior. We will address this in our next release so that the Order Confirmation text is only sent when dispatchers select Save and Send.
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