Release Date: 10/07/2019
New Features and Enhancements
Shift Editing - Dispatchers can now edit the following details for an individual shift:
Start time
Start and end locations
Material type
Upon clicking “Save” after making any of the above edits, the dispatcher will receive the following message:
“Warning - the changes above will require re-acceptance from the trucker.”
Submitting the edit(s) will present the dispatcher with a modal that displays the Old (original ) Values and the New Values post-edit.
What happens next?
The edited shift will revert from an Open/Accepted/Scheduled status to a Requested status.
The hauler who accepted the original shift will receive a text message (see below) indicating that changes have been made, and they must review and re-accept the shift. The shift moves from My Schedule to Available Jobs in the TRUX Now mobile app.
The edited shift remains in a Requested status until the hauler reviews and accepts the edited shift or it expires. If/Once the hauler accepts the edited shift, the status will return to a Scheduled status.
- Tracking Enhancements - We’ve added a colored square to the Track screen trucker pop-up window indicating the color of the selected hauler’s truck. Truck information (year, make, model) is limited to one line. If the combination of that information exceeds one line, we add “...”, and hovering over the line will reveal the full information for the selected trucker.
We have also improved screen loading time on the REAL-TIME tab of the Track screen. Active trucker locations now load faster on the map and list views.
- Shifts Screen Visual Enhancements - We’ve made it easier to enforce the 30-day range maximum when viewing shifts on the SHIFTS page. To select a range of dates, click on the calendar icon, click the start date, move your cursor to and click the end date, and click APPLY. You’ll notice dates that extend beyond 30 days on the calendar when selecting the end date are displayed in strikethrough text and are not selectable. If you try and manually enter a date range beyond 30 days, you will be reminded to “Please enter a valid date range less than 31 days.”
- Dispatch Screen Visual Enhancements - In an effort to show more dispatch orders and more truckers on the Dispatch screen, we’ve collapsed the filter options unless/until they are clicked.
Bug Fixes
- Tonnage Lable Fix on Loads Delivered Screen - For hourly jobs where load slips are required, the "Loads Delivered" display label now correctly shows "ton(s)". It previously incorrectly presented with a label of “hr(s).”
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