Release Date: 07/25/2019
New Features and Enhancements
Autocomplete Dispatch Orders by Time - Our last release included functionality to disallow new loads on dispatch orders that met certain conditions By Load and By Quantity. We intended to include functionality to autocomplete By Time, but we discovered a performance issue and decided to pull it back. This has been fixed, and now orders will also autocomplete By Time under the following conditions:
When the “After End” allowance is unchecked and the Dispatch Order End Time has been reached
When the “After End” allowance is checked and it is 12 hours after the Dispatch Order End Time
REMOVED Dispatch Orders and Active Trucker tab pagination - In the last release, we added pagination to the open Dispatch Orders and Active Trucker tabs to improve screen performance and load time when loading a long list of records. The feedback from users was they preferred the screen without pagination no matter how long the list of orders and drivers. So we’ve removed the pagination while ALSO addressing screen performance and load time.
- Dispatch Order History Notes - You can now add notes to a dispatch order’s history so you can keep an accurate record of what happened during the order's life. Notes can be added to both Summary and Advanced screens and will be time-stamped with the user name added.
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