Release Date: 05/27/2021
Vulcan Managed Inventory Live
We launched Vulcan Managed Inventory (VMI) last week! This new productivity widget can be found on the Insights screen of the Delivery Tracker for participating delivery locations.
The VMI widget displays the inventory levels of the material being proactively replenished through Vulcan Managed Inventory (via integration with Stockpile Reports). The product associated with the dispatch order is listed first, and other products on site are listed separately below. The number of days, quantity (in tons), and the last measurement date and time are displayed.
Dispatcher Punch-Out
Dispatchers can now punch out haulers on their behalf. You might want to do this if you need to assign a hauler to another dispatch order before their current assignment is complete.
The driver should be on their way back to the plant (with a status of Punched In - Empty) when punching them out. The experience for the hauler will be the same as if they punched out themselves (e.g., any next loads will be canceled), and they will have to punch in to the new assignment.
NOTE: As happens today, you should inform the hauler of this punch-out event and provide them with further instructions. Specifically, they will need to refresh Drive to see the new assignment (simply tap on another screen and then tap the Drive screen again).
e-Ticket access from Daily Dispatch Summary
Dispatch order Contacts have access to e-Tickets for each load via the Delivery Tracker. With this release, they now have the ability to request all e-Tickets associated with an order from the Daily Dispatch Summary email, which is part of the Vulcan Powered by TRUX Experience and sent at the conclusion of each order. To request e-Tickets, customer contacts can click a new link in the Dispatch Summary email.
This will take them to a page where they can request load slips be sent to their email address.
Contacts will then receive an email with a link to download a .zip file with all of the e-Tickets associated with their order.
Assignment overload warning and tag
Previously, a dispatcher could edit an assignment and add loads to a hauler even when the total capacity of all assigned loads was greater than the dispatch order quantity. There was no warning to inform them that they had exceeded the quantity requested in the Assignment modal. Now, dispatchers will receive a warning if this condition is exceeded. Dispatchers can override this message and continue adding loads/quantity to the assignment.
Orders that have been overscheduled will also display a tag so that they can be readily identified.
Change material/mix details on Dispatch Orders with no associated assignments
Adjustments can now be made to the Material (Product) and/or Mix attribute on a dispatch order as long as there are no committed (?) assignments. To change the material or mix details on an order, click Edit on the order shortcut menu, then click the icon next to the Material.
Copy dispatch orders with canceled assignments to a different date
In the scenario where all assignments on a dispatch order have been canceled, dispatchers can now copy the order and create assignments for a new date and cancel the original DO in one step.
Include Job Description and Shift Instructions in Shift Export .csv file
The Job Description and Shift Instructions will now appear in the .csv file when exporting shifts.
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