Release Date: 02/04/2021
The following new features are available in TRUX.
Editing Delivery Location for an active dispatch order
Dispatchers can now fine-tune the Delivery Location address/geofence for an active dispatch. Previously, only dispatch orders that had not begun were able to have their destination locations fields modified.
If the new destination address has changed by > 5 miles, an alert will display recommending that haulers be notified to ensure they are aware of the new location/distance.
The new destination address applies to all (go-forward) dispatches associated with the sales order.
More detail added to the Order Confirmation email
We've added a bit more detail to the delivery location maps shown in the Order Confirmation email.
- increase map zoom tile sizes (200 -> 250px)
- decreased the map pin/marker size
- added more street-level details
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