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What is Trux Pay?
Trux Pay is a suite of features that enable Trux Materials customers to maintain a comprehensive financial data profile of completed work, including additional charges and adjustments as needed. This transactional data is then used to facilitate payments to haulers and provide accounts receivable information for use in invoicing customers.
What is a Transaction?
When a dispatch assignment is completed and processed, events create and update transactions. This transactional data is then used to facilitate payments to haulers and provide accounts receivable information for invoicing your customers.
Trux Pay Billing Cycle
The Trux Pay work week is Sunday through Saturday. All assignments with a completed date during this time period are considered part of the work week and will be paid the following week. If a load doesn’t close due to a dispute, related adjustments on that load and other loads on that dispatch assignment will not close until the dispute is resolved.
Pre-Close Review Period
Work (assignments/loads) performed during the Work Week can be modified or disputed until the following Monday at close of business. Adjustments created up until Tuesday at close of business can be deleted or added for the work week.
Hauler Payments
Haulers will be paid on Fridays for work completed during the prior work week. Work paid via Oracle EDI and tickets dated prior to 2/2/25 that are credited/rebilled using AFPA will be paid the following Tuesday (same flow as pre Trux Pay).
Post-Close Adjustment Period
Once work has closed, any changes that need to be made can be made through a post-close adjustment.
Roles and Permissions
Trux Pay introduces a new Customer Admin role. This role has access to manage your organization’s Trux Pay configuration, including the application of adjustments, dispute resolution, etc. The following table describes Trux Pay permissions for this new role as compared to the existing Dispatcher role.
An adjustment refers to an additional freight charge and/or pay item or a modification made to financial records to correct an error, reflect new information, or align the records with the actual situation. Adjustments are additional pay and/or charge items that are created and maintained at the Trux entity level, and can be configured in many different ways allowing the business to set up their adjustments however they see fit.
Examples of common adjustments in Trux Pay
- Fuel Surcharge
- Freight Minimums
- Detention
Automatic Adjustments
Automatic adjustments are applied automatically to each load based on the load quantity after the scale ticket is matched to the load. There are two types of automatic adjustments currently available in Trux Pay:
- Fuel surcharge (FSC) follows the FSC rules engine and applies the appropriate fuel surcharge adjustment on each load based on the freight pay amount and the FSC percentage Trux received via Apex integration.
- Freight minimums are defined on each scale ticket to ensure a hauler is fairly paid for a load that may be under a minimum material quantity. The adjustment is created to pay the difference between the actual quantity and the freight minimum quantity.
Manual Adjustments
Manual adjustments can be applied by Customer Admins to a load after the scale ticket is matched to the load. Examples of common manual adjustments:
- Detention (Standby/Wait Time)
- Travel Time
- Proof Roll
Fuel Surcharges
Fuel surcharge is determined by importing the percentage or exemption flag from the Sales Order in Apex. Dispatch Orders will inherit the Sales Order’s fuel surcharge configuration, and will be visible to all users on the Dispatch Order modal.
For example:
- Fuel surcharge: 9.255%
- Quantity hauled: 23.21 tons
- Freight Rate: $4.25 / ton
Calculation: 23.21 x $4.25 = $98.64 x 9.255% = $9.13 FSC adjustment
FSC Exemptions and Assignments
When creating an assignment a dispatcher may manually disable FSC for that particular assignment.
Automatic FSC exemptions include;
- Exempt status imported on product, making the entire DO exempt
- Assignments dispatched to internal (Company Dedicated) haulers
NOTE: The ability to automatically exempt FSC from hourly work is controlled at the Trux entity level (e.g., SGC is enabled to not auto-exempt FSC from hourly work).
FSC Visibility for Haulers
Haulers don’t see the fuel surcharge percentage in the Trux Drive app. Instead, they see a fuel pump icon indicating the assignment is eligible for a fuel surcharge.
The reason we only show the icon is because the fuel surcharge percentage can be updated for a Dispatch Order up till the first hauler punches in on the order. Then the fuel surcharge percentage is locked for all assignments on that dispatch order. Dispatchers can see this in the assignment panel in the Pay screen.
Freight Rate Management
Freight Rates allow for the customization of truck-specific rates on a Dispatch Order. They also allow for mixing and matching of pay units (e.g., load, ton, hour) between the hauler pay rate and the customer charge rate on a given order. For example:
Hover over the Truck Types dropdown to view hauler and customer rates on a Dispatch Order.
Freight Rates work in a hierarchy as there are many different areas where customized rates can be created. From Lowest to Highest Importance:
- Imported Rates from Oracle/Apex
- Sales Order Product Rates
- Destination Rates
- Fleet Hourly Override Rates
Sales Order Product Rates
Freight Rates can be customized at the Sales Order Product level. If customized rates are present, all DO’s will inherit these rates. Hover over the $ on the Sales Order tab to view these freight rates by truck type.
Destination Override
Destinations can also have custom freight rates. To modify the freight rates on a destination, either edit an existing destination or create a new destination. Then select the Customize Trucks and Rates for this location check box, add the rates for each truck type, and save the rates.
NOTE: Custom Destination rates are not impacted if new rates are imported again from Apex
Once a hauler accepts an assignment, and the assignment is in a Scheduled status, the rates on the assignment will not reflect any additional rate changes to the Sales Order, destination, or changes made via integration. Assignments in a requested status, or assignments created after additional rate changes are made to the SOI, destination, or via the integration will reflect the new rates.
Fleet Hourly Override
Some haulers may have specific contracts to haul on an hourly rate. These rates are managed on the FLEET screen. To set the hourly rate for a specific hauler:
- Find the hauler for whom you would like to set the hourly rate and select Hourly Rate from the shortcut menu.
- Select the truck type(s) from the dropdown list, enter the appropriate rate for each truck type, and click SAVE RATE.
- Hover over the $ icon to view the hourly rates that you created for the selected hauler.
Pay Screen
The PAY screen is a new screen that allows users to get a summary of pay transactions within a certain period, including:
- Get a summary of pay transactions in a period
- Search for specific transactions
- View adjustments for transactions
When you first come to the PAY screen, you will see a Work Week summary presenting you with an overview of activity and actions for the selected week.
The REQUIRES ATTENTION section shows:
- A count of unmatched tickets
- A count of all disputed tickets including worker portal rejected loads
- A count of scale tickets that have been rejected
Searching for Transactions
There are multiple ways to search for transactions on the PAY screen, Transactions tab:
Each search type will offer different filters above the list of transactions that meet your search criteria allowing you to further narrow the results.
Outside of directly searching for a scale ticket, all returned results are by assignment.
Assignment Detail View
The status of each assignment is displayed in the upper left corner with the following potential options:
- Completed = hauler has finished the assignment.
- Closed = the loads were matched and the closing process processed the assignment for payment.
- Disputed = The assignment has a dispute on it that needs to be resolved.
- Sealed = The assignment was processed onto a DWBTR for payment.
The assignment summary is separated into three sections.
- Details - Similar to a receipt of work, the Details section includes the details of the job, including the truck, payment details, material, customer, start and end locations, and instructions.
- Loads - Each completed load is listed along with any adjustments and scale ticket information. You can view and download an individual or all tickets from this view.
- Activity - A historical activity log of the transactions within the assignment. Customer Admin users can add notes that are viewable by other Customer Admins within the same entity.
Clicking on an individual load on the Loads tab will open the details for that load including the quantity, rate, and adjustments. Clicking on any adjustment will reveal the details of that adjustment. Clicking on the Activity tab to see all activity for that load including the creation of adjustments.
Scale Ticket Matching
Following are four different ticket matching scenarios and their results.
Exception Path
Dispatch Order is created + Dispatch Assignment is created and accepted but the hauler does not punch in to the assignment prior to ticketing.
Trux auto punches hauler into assignment and scale ticket auto matches.
Auto-Generated Dispatch Assignments
Dispatch Order is created + Trux Vehicle ID on scale ticket does not have a Dispatch Assignment.
Trux creates an auto generated Dispatch Assignment in Disputed status.
Unhappy Path
Trux receives a scale ticket that does not have a valid Dispatch Order and/or Trux Vehicle ID.
Scale ticket is not auto-matched to a Dispatch Load and ticket displays on Unmatched Tickets screen.
Happy Path
A Dispatch Order exists prior to ticketing
A Dispatch Assignment is created, accepted, and the hauler punches in prior to ticketing
A scale ticket will auto-match to a load in Trux. Scale ticket is ticketed against the correct Dispatch Order with the correct Vehicle ID.
Unmatched Tickets Tab
The unmatched ticket’s tab shows all tickets that could not be matched by the Trux integration, typically within a few hours of receiving the scale ticket but can go as long as 96 hours. When clicking on an unmatched ticket on the left, loads without matched tickets from that same date will populate on the right.
Manually Matching Tickets
Scale tickets will populate on the Unmatched Tickets tab for two reasons:
- The scale ticket was not ticketed against a Trux DO #, or the ticket is missing a DO # altogether, OR
- The vehicle ID on the ticket does not begin with ‘TRUX’ or is not a valid TRUX vehicle ID
You can manually match unmatched loads to unmatched scale tickets in one of two ways:
- drag and drop an unmatched load onto a scale ticket to update the scale ticket DO and Trux ID, OR
- manually update the DO and/or trux ID
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