The PAY screen is a new screen that allows users to get a summary of pay transactions within a certain period, and allows Customer Admins to:
- Get a summary of pay transactions in a period
- Search for specific transactions
- Create Adjustments for transactions
- Resolve disputed transactions
- Resolve unmatched scale tickets
When you first come to the PAY screen, you will see a Work Week summary presenting you with an overview of activity and actions for the selected week.
The REQUIRES ATTENTION section shows:
- A count of unmatched tickets
- A count of all disputed tickets including worker portal rejected loads
- A count of scale tickets that have been rejected
Searching for Transactions
There are multiple ways to search for transactions on the PAY screen, Transactions tab:
Each search type will offer different filters above the list of transactions that meet your search criteria allowing you to further narrow the results.
Outside of directly searching for a scale ticket, all returned results are by assignment.
Transaction Actions
A Customer Admin can take the following actions on one or more (bulk) transactions depending on the status of the transaction(s):
- Edit rate
- Create adjustments
- Resolve disputed assignments/loads
- Dispute work that hasn’t closed
- Modify scale ticket data for loads that have scale tickets
- Add a note
Assignment Detail View
The status of each assignment is displayed in the upper left corner with the following potential options:
- Completed = hauler has finished the assignment.
- Closed = the loads were matched and the closing process processed the assignment for payment.
- Disputed = The assignment has a dispute on it that needs to be resolved.
- Sealed = The assignment was processed onto a DWBTR for payment.
The assignment summary is separated into three sections.
- Details - Similar to a receipt of work, the Details section includes the details of the job, including the truck, payment details, material, customer, start and end locations, and instructions.
- Loads - Each completed load is listed along with any adjustments and scale ticket information. You can view and download an individual or all tickets from this view.
- Activity - A historical activity log of the transactions within the assignment. Customer Admin users can add notes that are viewable by other Customer Admins within the same entity.
Clicking on an individual load on the Loads tab will open the details for that load including the quantity, rate, and adjustments. Clicking on any adjustment will reveal the details of that adjustment. Clicking on the Activity tab to see all activity for that load including the creation of adjustments.
Applying Manual Adjustments
Customer Admins can apply a manual adjustment to a load in one of two ways:
- Browse to the specific load and choose Create Adjustment from the menu
- Alternatively this can be done at the assignment level. If the adjustment is created from the assignment level parent, the user will have the option to add the adjustment to all loads within the assignment, or to a specific load. By default, the specific load defaults to the last load/scale ticket on the assignment and the user can choose which scale ticket in the adjustment form.
Depending on the type of adjustment being applied, the fields in the Create Adjustment form may vary. For example, percentage-based adjustments calculate the adjustment based on the hauler freight pay rate multiplied by a percentage while quantity-based adjustments will ask for a quantity to apply.
The estimated net adjustment amount and how it was calculated prior to submitting is shown at the bottom of the adjustment form.
You can delete (it’s a “soft delete”) a recently-made adjustment in case of an error. As long as the adjustment hasn’t closed, the adjustment can be removed. The hauler will not see adjustments that are deleted, but the load activity will reflect this action.
Editing Pay Rates
To change the pay rate on an assignment that hasn’t closed, select the assignment, click the actions/shortcut menu, and select Edit Rate.
Then adjust your Pay Rate and Charge Rate and click SAVE. NOTE: You cannot change the unit, and the change must occur before the assignment is Closed.
To change the pay rate for tickets that have already been paid, you must use the Bulk Ticket Change tool by selecting Modify Ticket Data in the shortcut menu.
Transaction Management/Dispute Resolution
The For Review page highlights all dispatch orders and their related disputed assignments that need to be reviewed.
- A numeric badge on the For Review tab indicates the total number of assignments with one or more disputed loads.
- The left column displays Dispatch Orders with a badge representing the number of total assignments with one or more disputed loads and are sorted from newest to oldest.
- The middle column displays Dispatch Assignments with one or more disputed loads for the selected Dispatch Order.
- The right column displays the selected assignment that requires review/action.
- The numeric badge on each Dispatch Order indicates how many disputed loads associated with that order are available for review.
Use the available filters to find specific assignments for review for the selected date(s). These filters can be combined to find the exact data needed.
- Dispute Reason
- Sales order
- Origin Location
- Driver
The following dispute reasons and definitions are available:
- Hourly - all work with a freight pay unit of Hour will auto dispute when the hauler completes the assignment
- Proof of Work - if a hauler’s ticket image is illegible and the Dispatch Order is set to ‘Transcribe Load Slip Images’, Trux’s Worker Portal will be unable to transcribe the ticket data and will mark the load as disputed
- General - work that was manually disputed by a Customer Admin
- Auto Generated Assignments - dispatch assignments that were generated by the system when an Apex scale ticket is received for a valid dispatch order and TRUX ID, and the TRUX ID on the ticket does not have an active assignment on the DO
- Duplicate - if a hauler takes a picture of a ticket they already uploaded to a different load and the Dispatch Order is set to ‘Transcribe Load Slip Images’, Trux’s Worker Portal will dispute the load
- System Punchout - if the hauler forgets to punch out at the end of the assignment, and the system auto punches him out after 14 hours.
- Unmatched Load - all completed loads from the previous day that do not have a matched scale ticket.
Resolving Proof of Work & Duplicate Disputes
Customer Admins may edit the load details to resolve a rejected load slip in cases where the hauler’s load slip was rejected by the worker portal.
Modifying Ticket Data
Customer Admins can make “low-level” edits to ticket data that impacts hauler pay. When selecting transactions from the transaction screen, note that you’re selecting an assignment and all scale tickets in that assignment will be loaded.
The Modify Ticket Data modal displays all relevant information about the scale ticket, some of which cannot be modified. Key data that cannot be modified include the Ticket Date/Time, Ticket #, and Ticket Quantity. You cannot mix and match rates and units on a single assignment.
Some ticket data has dependencies on higher-level data that you cannot change. For example, you can’t change a product if the product is not on the selected Sales Order.
Selecting a product may update the freight rate and freight rate unit. These freight rates will use the product and destination to determine the rate / unit.
If an assignment is not yet closed, the Bulk Ticket Change (see below) will modify the ticket data appropriately. It will then delete the adjustments and recreate the automatic ones but not recreate manual adjustments.
If an assignment has closed (and likely has been paid) the Bulk Ticket Change will create reversing adjustments to negate the original load and adjustment transactions (one per). Then it will create a new load object with the corrected data and recreate all the automatic and manual adjustments that were on the original loads. In the Trux Pay / Customer Pay file, the reversals will have a reference transaction id that can be traced back to the original transaction records.
Bulk Ticket Changes
The bulk ticket change tool allows for customer admins to make low-level edits on ticket data that impact the pay for the hauler. When selecting transactions from the transaction screen, note that you’re selecting an assignment and all scale tickets in that assignment will be loaded.
The Bulk Ticket Change tool works with the following rules:
- Only works on tickets for integrated assignments / loads. (3rd party tickets are not editable).
- All loads must be matched (automatically or manually) before the assignment can be opened in BTC. This prevents the changing of a freight pay unit and causing a mix match of freight units on an assignment.
- Tickets / assignments are only available the day after or later for editing in the BTC tool. This allows for same day scale edits.
- It may take up to a minute for ticket changes to propagate thru the Trux platform and allow for this time before making additional changes.
When you select multiple tickets and click Modify Ticket Data, you are presented with the following view:
The Modify Ticket Data modal displays all relevant information about the select scale ticket(s). Ticket date/time, ticket number, and material quantity cannot be modified, and you cannot mix and match rates and units on a single assignment.
Some ticket data has dependencies on higher level data. For example, you cannot change the product to a product that is not on the selected Sales Order. The hierarchy of dependencies is as follows:
- Location
- Customer
- Sales Orders
- Products
- Sales Orders
- Customer
Finally, selecting a product may update the freight pay and freight pay unit. These freight rates will use the product and destination to determine the rate / unit.
Scale Ticket Matching
Following are four different ticket matching scenarios and their results.
Exception Path
Dispatch Order is created + Dispatch Assignment is created and accepted but the hauler does not punch in to the assignment prior to ticketing.
Trux auto punches hauler into assignment and scale ticket auto matches.
Auto-Generated Dispatch Assignments
Dispatch Order is created + Trux Vehicle ID on scale ticket does not have a Dispatch Assignment.
Trux creates an auto generated Dispatch Assignment in Disputed status.
Unhappy Path
Trux receives a scale ticket that does not have a valid Dispatch Order and/or Trux Vehicle ID.
Scale ticket is not auto-matched to a Dispatch Load and ticket displays on Unmatched Tickets screen.
Happy Path
A Dispatch Order exists prior to ticketing
A Dispatch Assignment is created, accepted, and the hauler punches in prior to ticketing
A scale ticket will auto-match to a load in Trux. Scale ticket is ticketed against the correct Dispatch Order with the correct Vehicle ID.
Unmatched Tickets Tab
The unmatched ticket’s tab shows all tickets that could not be matched by the Trux integration, typically within a few hours of receiving the scale ticket but can go as long as 96 hours. When clicking on an unmatched ticket on the left, loads without matched tickets from that same date will populate on the right.
Manually Matching Tickets
Scale tickets will populate on the Unmatched Tickets tab for two reasons:
- The scale ticket was not ticketed against a Trux DO #, or the ticket is missing a DO # altogether, OR
- The vehicle ID on the ticket does not begin with ‘TRUX’ or is not a valid TRUX vehicle ID
You can manually match unmatched loads to unmatched scale tickets in one of two ways:
- drag and drop an unmatched load onto a scale ticket to update the scale ticket DO and Trux ID, OR
- manually update the DO and/or trux ID
Manually correcting the incorrect/missing ticket data via either of these two methods will trigger the automated ticket matching process again.
If the DO is for hourly work, the popup below will display, and an hourly quantity must be entered.
Create a Dispatch Order with start and end dates in the past
If a scale ticket is missing a DO# and a Trux DO has not been created beforehand, Customer Admins have the ability to create a Dispatch Order retroactively for a dispatch date in the past. The Dispatch Order will be created in a Completed status.
Dispatch Orders can retroactively be created by creating a DO from the Sales Order tab or by using the Copy Dispatch Order feature.
Once a DO has been created, the admin will need to go back to the Unmatched Tickets tab to add the newly created DO to the ticket.
Delivered tickets incorrectly ticketed as Pickup
If a scale ticket is created as pickup in Apex, it won’t be sent to Trux. If the ticket was meant to be delivered to the customer, Customer Admins can manually add scale ticket data to the unmatched load.
- Select the unmatched load.
- Choose Manually Add Scale Ticket Data
- Complete the form. The load will then be marked as matched and eligible to be paid.
The fields the user will need to fill in are Ticket Number and Quantity.
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