Fuel surcharge is determined by importing the percentage or exemption flag from the Sales Order in Apex. Dispatch Orders will inherit the Sales Order’s fuel surcharge configuration, and will be visible to all users on the Dispatch Order modal.
For example:
- Fuel surcharge: 9.255%
- Quantity hauled: 23.21 tons
- Freight Rate: $4.25 / ton
Calculation: 23.21 x $4.25 = $98.64 x 9.255% = $9.13 FSC adjustment
FSC Exemptions and Assignments
When creating an assignment a dispatcher may manually disable FSC for that particular assignment.
Automatic FSC exemptions include:
- Exempt status imported on product, making the entire DO exempt
- Assignments dispatched to internal (Company Dedicated) haulers
NOTE: The ability to automatically exempt FSC from hourly work is controlled at the Trux entity level (e.g., SGC is enabled to not auto-exempt FSC from hourly work).
FSC Visibility for Haulers
Haulers don’t see the fuel surcharge percentage in the Trux Drive app. Instead, they see a fuel pump icon indicating the assignment is eligible for a fuel surcharge.
The reason we only show the icon is because the fuel surcharge percentage can be updated for a Dispatch Order up till the first hauler punches in on the order. Then the fuel surcharge percentage is locked for all assignments on that dispatch order. Dispatchers can see this in the assignment panel in the Pay screen.
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