An adjustment refers to an additional freight charge and/or pay item or a modification made to financial records to correct an error, reflect new information, or align the records with the actual situation. Adjustments are additional pay and/or charge items that are created and maintained at the Trux entity level, and can be configured in many different ways allowing the business to set up their adjustments however they see fit.
Examples of common adjustments in Trux Pay
- Fuel Surcharge
- Freight Minimums
- Detention
Automatic Adjustments
Automatic adjustments are applied automatically to each load based on the load quantity after the scale ticket is matched to the load. There are two types of automatic adjustments currently available in Trux Pay:
- Fuel surcharge (FSC) follows the FSC rules engine and applies the appropriate fuel surcharge adjustment on each load based on the freight pay amount and the FSC percentage Trux received via Apex integration.
- Freight minimums are defined on each scale ticket to ensure a hauler is fairly paid for a load that may be under a minimum material quantity. The adjustment is created to pay the difference between the actual quantity and the freight minimum quantity.
Manual Adjustments
Manual adjustments can be applied by Customer Admins to a load after the scale ticket is matched to the load. Examples of common manual adjustments:
- Detention (Standby/Wait Time)
- Travel Time
- Proof Roll
Creating and Managing Adjustments
Adjustments in Trux can be configured in many different ways to align with your business practices. Users with the Customer Admin role can create and view adjustments on the SETTINGS screen on the Trux Pay tab.
Click +ADD ADJUSTMENT TYPE to create an adjustment.
Complete the following fields and click CREATE.
- Reason: The description of the adjustment that will appear on an adjustment drop down for Customer Admins to choose from when adding adjustments to specific transactions. The reason is what will appear on hauler remittances.
- Category: This is a list of pre-populated categories that will assist in correct revenue/expense allocation in your General Ledger.
- Fuel Surcharge
- Detention
- Duration
- Quantity
- Other
- Unit: The unit of measure to be used for hauler pay and customer charging
- Hour
- Each
- Percentage
- Customer Rate: The rate used to charge the customer
- Hauler Rate: The rate used to pay the hauler
- Default Chargeback to Customer: When checked, the adjustment will be charged to the customer when it is added to a transaction. Customer Admins have the ability to override this setting when adding the adjustment to a transaction
Requires Description: When checked, requires the user to add a description on the adjustment when it is added to a transaction.
Adjustments can be created, deactivated, reactivated, but they cannot be edited. Adjustments can move back and forth between active and inactive (No longer used). Inactive adjustments are excluded from the list of available adjustments that can be added to transactions. Adjustments can also be reordered via drag & drop for the order of the drop down (click and hold the = sign next to each adjustment to move it).
Click the slider to move an adjustment from the Active to the No longer used state and back.
Adjustment Warnings
There are three places/scenarios where you might receive a warning when attempting to create an adjustment.
The adjustment exceeds the subtotal on a load.
The Hauler pay rate is greater than the Customer charge rate on a Sales Order Item or Destination location.
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